Searching for the one true Lisp
The past few months I went on a little excursion through the world of lisp programming languages

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The past few months I went on a little excursion through the world of lisp programming languages. My intention being finding that one language that I could invest my efforts into for the long run. I want to specialize in this languages and use it for all the projects/products I'm going to develop through out the rest of my career.

Why a lisp?

It's simple, I find it much more enjoyable to work in. There's something about s-expressions that just connects with my mind in a way that my day job languages can't. Maybe it's the simplicity of it all or the aesthetics of nicely written Lisp. Or maybe it's because I find it easier to read and understand.

But, I think this comes down to the individual. Everyone is different, for me Lisp languages are easier to read and understand and I love the aesthetics of nicely written Lisp.

Guile Scheme

I started off with Guile Scheme and learned about the different scheme standards such as R5RS, R6RS and R7RS. Which is basically the same concept as C/C++ standards, where each standard introduces a new set of core language features. Another interesting thing about Scheme is SRFIs, which is community driven language features. During my time with Guile Scheme I developed this simple markup generator as a learning exercise.

I like Scheme and think its simplicity is its greatest strength. I also think Guile Scheme has the correct philosophy, to use Scheme as an extension language, that's a very good use case in my opinion. You can build large systems in Scheme, but I'm not sure I would.


After Scheme, I took a second look at Clojure. Clojure was the first functional language I used and at the time I found it challenging to learn. Grasping the concept of transformations over modifications was the shift I needed to enter the functional/Immutable world of Clojure. After getting a bit more comfortable with the language, its beauty became evident. I've never used a language that made it so easy to write elegant code that you can't help but feel good about. And the code I wrote left me with confidence. Clojure in this sense, is still unmatched.

But for me there's one issue, Clojure in built on top of Java. I personally find this difficult to accept. First, I have no Java experience so when I started learning Clojure I struggled to understand the error messages. And when I wanted to understand the inner workings or dig a bit deaper into the language I was greeted with Java interfaces.

In a sense, if I wanted to go full Clojure I would also need to learn some Java. And to fully utilize Clojure during development, I would need a good grasp on the Java standard library. And so in reality I would need to live in the Java ecosystem. At the moment it's not something I'm willing to do.

Common Lisp

The entire reason I've been exploring so many different languages the past year was to find that one language I could invest my efforts into for the long run. And so maybe Common Lisp is the language I was looking for.

Its is not perfect, some might say its bloated and difficult to learn. Others critique it for not being strictly functional. Some say its old and outdated. And I personally wished the development tooling was better in editors outside of Emacs.

This might all be true, but after using it, I don't care.

Its an absolute powerhouse of a language. Its stable, you can write a piece of code today and run it 10 years later without issue. Its fast, like really fast. It has arbitrary precision arithmetic, so no overflows. It has zero churn. And the language is packed with great utilities and a wonderfully large package ecosystem.

It's true, there is a lot to learn and a great deal of effort is required to master it. But after using it for a few personal projects I believe its not only one of the best Lisp options available, but also one of the best general programming languages there is today.

And so I've landed on Common Lisp as the lisp language I will be investing in for the rest of my career. I will be writing a lot more about Common Lisp in the near future, sharing my experience of using the language for product development.

Before concluding, here's an example of generating the first 1000 Fibonacci numbers in Common Lisp, look at that arbitrary precision arithmetic at play:

(defun fibonacci-seq-limit (lim &optional (ls '()) (cnt 1))
  (let ((next-fib (cond
                  ((null ls) 1)
                  ((null (second ls)) '2)
                  (t (+ (first ls) (second ls))))))
  (if (<= cnt lim)
      (fibonacci-seq-limit lim (cons next-fib ls) (+ cnt 1)) ls)))

(fibonacci-seq-limit 1000)


 573147844013817084101 354224848179261915075 218922995834555169026
 135301852344706746049 83621143489848422977 51680708854858323072
 31940434634990099905 19740274219868223167 12200160415121876738
 7540113804746346429 4660046610375530309 2880067194370816120
 1779979416004714189 1100087778366101931 679891637638612258 420196140727489673
 259695496911122585 160500643816367088 99194853094755497 61305790721611591
 37889062373143906 23416728348467685 14472334024676221 8944394323791464
 5527939700884757 3416454622906707 2111485077978050 1304969544928657
 806515533049393 498454011879264 308061521170129 190392490709135
 117669030460994 72723460248141 44945570212853 27777890035288 17167680177565
 10610209857723 6557470319842 4052739537881 2504730781961 1548008755920
 956722026041 591286729879 365435296162 225851433717 139583862445 86267571272
 53316291173 32951280099 20365011074 12586269025 7778742049 4807526976
 2971215073 1836311903 1134903170 701408733 433494437 267914296 165580141
 102334155 63245986 39088169 24157817 14930352 9227465 5702887 3524578 2178309
 1346269 832040 514229 317811 196418 121393 75025 46368 28657 17711 10946 6765
 4181 2584 1597 987 610 377 233 144 89 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1)

Author: Vernon Grant (

Updated on: 2024-10-12 Sat 06:53

Emacs 29.1 (Org mode 9.6.6)